Fermilab colloquium calendar archive 2024

  Appropriate for physicists     Appropriate for all lab staff and members of the public
Raw date Event date Title Speakers Host Summary Links
20240110 Jan. 10, 2024 Open
20240117 Jan. 17, 2024 Open
20240124 Jan. 24, 2024
Generation, Detection and Application of Twisted Waves of Light and Neutrons
Charles Clark, Joint Quantum Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Maryland Doğa M. Kürkçüoğlu Dislocations in wave trains were manifest in the 1830s studies of ocean tides by William Whewell, who discovered “amphidromic points” in the sea, where there is no tidal motion. John Nye and Michael Berry’s 1970s investigations, of fine structure in radio echoes from the bottom of the Antarctic ice sheet, revealed wavefront dislocation as a generic phenomenon. It became a broad field of science in the 1990s, when “orbital angular momentum states” of light were produced, followed by similar realizations in beams of atoms, molecules. x-rays, electrons and neutrons. Robert R. Wilson's “Tractricious” sculpture at Fermilab provides a good framework for visualizing the unity of these phenomena. Video
20240131 Jan. 31, 2024 Open
20240207 Feb. 7, 2024
Muon Colliders –The hard part
Robert B Palmer, BNL (Emeritus} Diktys Stratakis If you can build a Muon Collider and do physics with it, that is great. But can you? Much of what is needed has been simulated on paper but still requires a lot of engineering and demonstration to know if they are buildable. For a few parts, like the final stages of emittance cooling, we do not even have even a paper solution. I will discuss this and other challenges. What sort of effort is needed? Video
20240214 Feb. 14, 2024
Quantum computing with neutral ytterbium atoms
Jeff Thompson, Princeton University Chris Stoughton Neutral atom quantum computing is a rapidly developing field. Exploring new atomic species, such as alkaline earth atoms, provides additional opportunities for cooling and trapping, measurement, qubit manipulation, high-fidelity gates and quantum error correction. In this talk, I will present recent results from our group on implementing high-fidelity gates on nuclear spins encoded in metastable 171Yb atoms, including mid-circuit detection of gate errors that give rise to leakage out of the qubit space, using erasure conversion. I will conclude by discussing ongoing experiments on quantum error correction and reaching very high gate fidelities, and the important role of real-time FPGA control electronics developed by Fermilab in reaching these goals.
20240221 Feb. 21, 2024 Open
20240228 Feb. 28, 2024 Open
20240306 March 6, 2024
Saving the World 101: Teaching After Staying too Long at the Fair.
George Gollin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chris Stoughton During five decades in HEP, I have seen remarkable discoveries: three generations, Higgs, support for inflationary cosmology…; ideas that were so very, very compelling but were wrong (SU(5) ⟹ proton decay); a necessary evolution in how we work: larger collaborations and devices, longer time scales; growing preferences for the crippling, pyrrhic victories of turf protection... More » Video
20240313 March 13, 2024
Inside Nature
Federico Levi, Nature Magazine Anna Grassellino Since its launch in 1869, Nature has seen its mission as two-fold: facilitating the prompt communication of the most important scientific developments to the relevant research communities, while at the same time fostering a greater appreciation of these great works of science amongst the wider public. In this talk, I will endeavour to explain how Nature editors apply these principles in practice, in particular by determining which few of the many excellent research submissions that we receive make it through to publication. Video
20240320 March 20, 2024 Open
20240327 March 27, 2024 Open
20240403 April 3, 2024 Open
20240410 April 10, 2024 Open
20240417 April 17, 2024 There and Back again: Low mass physics at the LHC Cristina Mantilla, Fermilab Don Lincoln The Large Hadron Collider has exceeded expectations in many ways, from the machine to the detector performance. Its general purpose experiments, ATLAS and CMS, have produced results that were thought to be unattainable or extremely unlikely to be reached with the current dataset. This is in part due to changes in the trigger strategy and identification techniques of both quarks and leptons in the "low mass" regime. In this talk, I will go through a few of the outcomes of these changes during the last 5 years and show prospects of what we are poised to uncover in the near future.
20240424 April 24, 2024
Nature-Inspired Design: the way to a biobased material future
Joanne Rodriguez, Mycocycle, Inc. Chris Stoughton With a global rise in population we are faced with the unprecedented need to manufacture more materials for industrial and consumer markets. Within the built environment space specifically, 11% of greenhouse gas emissions come from materials used within the sector. Organizations like the World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the DOE National Labs, the U.S. EPA and White House are all looking at how we accelerate and promote the usage of biobased materials and nature-inspired design in an effort to lower greenhouse gases. This presentation will consider principles like biomimicry in design and the influence nature can have to a greener material future. Video
20240501 May 1, 2024 Open
20240508 May 8, 2024 Open
20240515 May 15, 2024
Cumulative Impacts – Science, Policy, Practice
Alan Walts, U.S. EPA Region 5, Environmental Justice, Community Health, and Environmental Review Division (EJCHERD) Chris Stoughton In everyday life, some people are exposed to numerous pollutants from a wide array of sources through multiple media and pathways. Chemical stressors in environmental media (air, water, land) and non-chemical stressors (e.g., social determinants of health, extreme weather events) aggregate and accumulate over time from one or more sources in the built, natural, and social environments, affecting individuals and communities. This is referred to as “cumulative impacts.” Such impacts disproportionately fall on communities with unequal environmental conditions and exposure to multiple stressors. And changes in climate can exacerbate many of these disproportionate impacts. As part of a historic investment to advance environmental justice and equity, EPA is working to improve its policy and practice in order to better assess and address cumulative impacts. This Colloquium will discuss some of the scientific and organizational work that is involved in this undertaking.
20240522 May 22, 2024 Cancelled
20240605 June 5, 2024 Open
20240626 June 26, 2024
A Scalable Quantitative Imaging Platform with Integrated Machine Learning
Christopher R. Field, Theia Scientific Chris Stoughton Image analysis workflows are currently a non-scalable, biased process that requires extensive time and expertise. Attempts to generate a scalable and non-biased automated image analysis workflow using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) technologies have been thwarted by (i) limited, or impossible, access to external cloud computing resources and environments, (ii) lack of a consistent, streamlined end-user experience for distribution and deployment within these network-constrained environments, and (iii) poor interactivity of real-time image analysis results in closed image processing and analysis software. In collaboration with the University of Michigan and Idaho National Laboratory with support from the Department of Energy, Theia Scientific has developed a platform that addresses these deficiencies to enable real-time and post-acquisition quantitative image analysis with AI/ML-powered workflows. The platform utilizes a novel combination of edge or near-edge computing hardware and a modern web-based technology software stack to provide a fully customizable, simplified User Experience (UX) to run in-house or community developed AI/ML models. The platform embraces scalability by scaling hardware with AI/ML models through a novel ad-hoc clustering protocol enabling users to expand their computational resources on-the-fly. Results from recent in situ microscopy experiments at the University of Michigan and Idaho National Laboratory for nuclear materials characterization workflows will be presented along with a live demonstration and walkthrough of the web-based technology stack. Video
20240710 July 10, 2024 Open