- Feb. 19, 2025, 3:30 pm US/Central
- Eduardo Andrade, GTT North America, Inc.
- Sam Zeller
Fermilab has long been involved in the use of large-scale membrane cryostats to enable various cutting edge neutrino detectors, such as protoDUNE, SBND, and DUNE. The latest iteration of cryogenic neutrino detectors for DUNE will each be filled with a record-setting 17,000 tons of liquid argon (LAr) and sited a mile underground in Lead, South Dakota. The DUNE detectors will ultimately enable the study of neutrinos from a new and improved beamline originating from Fermilab and characterized by a Near Detector cryostat using the same membrane technology.
This presentation focuses on the free-standing cryostats designed in collaboration with the engineering firm: Gaztransport and Technigaz (GTT). These cryostats feature a membrane system like the one used by liquefied natural gas transport ships. After an overview of the cryostat design, we’ll discuss the latest advancements in the design of cryogenic cargo containment systems for the transoceanic shipping of liquid hydrogen (LH2), including a brief description of CERN’s collaboration with GTT as well as other relevant industry collaborations that are spearheading the development of this promising, but challenging technology.