- Feb. 5, 2025, 3:30 pm US/Central
- Professor Karl Jakobs, University of Freiburg/Germany
- Presentation
After the successful data taking at the LHC over the past decade, the profile of the Higgs boson has been well established. However, since the Higgs field is linked to deep structural questions of the Standard Model such as flavor, naturalness and the stability of the vacuum, it calls for further exploration. There is consensus in the particle physics community that a Higgs factory should be build to explore the properties of the Higgs boson with high precision.
After the 2020 update of the Strategy for Particle Physics in Europe, a feasibility study for the realization of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN was launched. The outcome of the study is expected to become available in 2025. Together with developments on the international landscape of the field it will provide important input to the new update of the European Strategy, which is currently ongoing. This update has the ambition to develop the preferred option for the realization of the next flagship project at CERN and to discuss alternatives.
In this colloquium, our present understanding of the properties of the Higgs boson as well as prospects at future colliders are summarized. In addition, the present status of the FCC feasibility study as well as the European Strategy process are discussed.