Fermilab’s Batavia site is open to the public. View details on hours, activities and site access requirements.
The Fermilab colloquium introduces a wide range of scientific and science-related topics presented by notable speakers from across the country and around the world.
The colloquium is open to the public. Talks are held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons in One West in Wilson Hall (WH1W). To enter the site you will need a REAL ID-compliant identification.
Upcoming colloquia
An integral part of Fermilab’s academic culture, “orange” colloquium talks are aimed at a broad scientific and technical audience, while “green” talks are of general interest to everyone.
Appropriate for physicists Appropriate for all attendees
March 12, 2025, 3:30 pm US/Central
It has been 30 years since the discovery of the top quark at Fermilab by the CDF and D0
collaborations. I will begin with the need for the top quark in the Standard Model and searches
that were carried out prior to the Tevatron. Then I will discuss the Tevatron era, from the early
searches, to the discovery in 1995, to the investigations of top quark properties that have
continued almost up to the present. I will conclude with our current understanding of the top
quark based on higher statistics studies at the LHC, as well the use of the top quark as a tool in
searches for new phenomena.