Past exhibits

A collection of past exhibits from the Fermilab Art Gallery

“Be a Part of pARTicles 2.0” virtual gallery

February 2021

International project for the Fermilab Virtual Family Open House Feb. 2021

No matter your age, your creativity may be displayed in the Fermilab Virtual Art Gallery! We welcome you to take part in Fermilab’s online exhibition exploring particles.

Employee Art Show – Where Art and Science Collide

January-March 2020

The creative mind has been an essential part of Fermilab since its inception. One only needs to look around to see art and science in an innovative state.



Imaging the Cosmos by Eric Coles and Martin Murphy

March-September 2020

Humanity has long held a deep interest in the night sky. Since the dawn of our existence, we’ve strived to understand what was happening above us.

Cosmic Design – Shanthi Chandrasekar

August-October 2019

Combining scientific facts and theories with my wild imagination has been fruitful in creating artwork that questions our known reality and seeking to learn more about the unknown.

A Lasting Mark: Artist Angela Gonzales at Fermilab 1967-1998

June-September 2017

Robert Wilson handpicked Angela Gonzales in 1967 to collaborate and create a visual identity for Fermilab that is inspiring and bold. Her art reflected the intellectual challenges and innovations within the laboratory. For 31 years, she worked with Fermilab and was a truly legendary artist.


February-April 2015

Art@CMS aims to create a dialogue between the CMS science community and art communities. It’s objective is to present art works of collaborating artists and facilitate group and individual exhibitions worldwide.

Edward Tufte-The Cognitive Art of Feynman Diagrams

April-June 2014

Statistician Edward Tufte draws from mathematical concepts – specifically, the computational visualization methods developed by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman – to create beautiful, cerebral works of art.

Through the Lens-Images by Reidar Hahn and the Particle Physics Photowalk at Fermilab

February-April 2011

For 32 years Reidar Hahn was Fermilab’s staff photographer and his photos of Fermilab science are omnipresent. Hahn managed the annual Particle Physics Photowalk for photographers to participate in an international contest.

John Chervinsky
An Experiment in Perspective

September-November 2009

Chalk markings on blackboards are juxtaposed with real objects to create tensions between the physical world and the imaginary constructs that we use to define it. Markings are drawn into the three-dimensional field such that, from the fixed point of view of the camera, they appear to have depth, or to be floating in space, or on the surface plane of the photograph.

Origami- Lane Allen, Chris Palmer, Robert J. Lang

September-November 2005

These three origamists are well known for their innovative approaches to the world of origami.  This show contrasted these artists’ creative approaches to origami with a synthesis of mathematics and creative and stylistic animate origami, product design in non-animate objects and artistic creations in metal mesh of copper, brass and stainless steel.

Mode: Digital Images by Eric J. Heller

August-October 2003

The computer is a new artists’ medium. Most of the images are produced pixel by pixel by a computer algorithm, the pixel data goes to an imager, where typically 150,000,000 pixels are rendered by a laser to archival photo paper.  The paper is then developed in the traditional way in chemical baths.  So far, the color brilliance and permanence of this method exceeds the best inkjet technology.