Unexpected by Lisa Goesling & Deanna Krueger

  • Sept. 16 - Nov. 5, 2020, 3:30 pm US/Central

Virtual exhibition September 16, 2020 through November 5, 2020


Spontaneous creations lead to unexpected results. While Lisa Goesling

and Deanna Krueger use different materials, they both approach their art

with a sense of wonder. What evolves is an energy that is not only seen but

also felt.

Drawing with an X-ACTO knife, Lisa develops layers upon layers of details

creating the appearance of three dimensions from two-dimensional boards.

(Scratchbords® hard boards covered in clay and a layer of India ink.)


After layering recycled medical film with acrylic monotype prints, Deanna

tears the film up and staples the shards back together with thousands of


The artists share inspiration and fascination with nature and all its
